Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Ok, so maybe you didn't do the deeeetails, BUT your prayers...they do something!! They DID something!!
You may remember this post, when I asked for you to join me in believing for new life for my lovely ladies, J and S.


I am AAAAABSOLUTELY over the moon excited to show you this:

The most lovely, perfect spine of a baby who is 18 weeks, 6 days.
(sorry it's small, I'm kind of tech-tarded.)

This baby's life began the week you began to pray with me. After 6.5 years of fertility drugs, interventions, disappointments, why's, loads of prayer, and much much hope, J is expecting their first babe this July!!

And what's extra exciting about this particular baby for me is that s/he will make me an Auntie for the first time on my side! Yep, this is my brother and sis-in-law's babe! YAY!!! So look forward to July for another birth story, and a million and one pics of the newest and totally miraculous teeny addition!

THANK YOU for your prayers!

Psalm 56:8 says
You've kept track of my every toss and turn
through the sleepless nights,
Each tear entered in your ledger,
each ache written in your book.

If every tear is recorded and remembered, do you think every prayer is also heard? I do.

So on that note,
keep praying!
My beautiful friend and mom-to-be, S, is still waiting and hoping and praying for her womb to be full.
Keep praying!
She has some appointments coming up that may hold some answers.
Keep praying!
Pray for wisdom for every Dr, specialist, nurse, and medical person who sees her. That answers will be clear and fast and easy.
Keep praying!
And of course, pray and believe with me for a supernatural miracle, that God's hand will move over the problem and remove it. I can not WAIT to give you her good news!!!

Much love and appreciation!
