Sunday, October 10, 2010

Need YOU.

I am on my way to bed, as I am dead tired, but I have something on my mind, and I need to share with you and ask for you to join with me in prayer.

I have two of the most beautiful ladies in my life, J and S, who are both dealing with infertility. They will both be amazing mothers and they both have amazing husbands, and I am so so so excited to see their families expand. But it's only through a miracle of God that this seems to be possible for them.

That is so strange for me. I get pregnant when Daddy G sneezes on me. (Ok, not really, go look at page 274 of your biology 10 textbook if you need a refresher.)
It just breaks my heart, and I heave cry, like the ugly cry, over the longing in these ladies hearts for just ONE of what I have been given many times over. It seems not fair to me. And I had to really come to God with my feelings of guilt over me being able to get knocked up so easily while they travail. Ugh, it tears me apart. But you know what He told me..He said to not feel guilty, but to feel thankful. And He said to pray. On my knees beside my bed, in my car, at the grocery store, while watching a movie, while on my computer, while riding a bike, while watching MY babies play and laugh and bring me so much joy, wherever I am, whatever I am doing, anytime I think of them, which is a lot, I can pray!! And I do, and I have been, and now I want YOU to join me!

So, tonight, again, it is heavy on my heart to pray. And to believe...that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. (Eph 3:20).

J is in the midst of an IUI process right now as you read this. PRAY with me. BELIEVE with me. That a new little life will begin THIS WEEK!!

S has plans to try IUI again down the road, PRAY, and BELIEVE that she won't have to because the Lord will open her womb naturally before then.

Can not WAIT to share the GOOD NEWS of babies on the way with you very very soon!!!

Thank you friends!
Now I am REALLY going to bed.


Anonymous said...

Beck, can you email me your email addy?

Mine is


JillannaJoy said...

pssst... J's eggo is preggo!