Friday, January 30, 2009

One year ago, today...

January 30, 2008

18 weeks 2 days pregnant

Well, today's the BIG ultrasound day. Our appt is in 2 hours. I am excited and nervous, but more excited. I feel positive, and am trying my very best to trust my God with everything. I can't wait to see our baby moving around in there. I think I'll take a vitamin right now to get him/her really awake. Hehe. Back with pics soon!

We're baaaaaaa-aaaack!! And I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. Our baby is perfect, and healthy, and if I am not mistaken, I *think* is a BOY from one shot I saw. (Of course, she wouldn't tell me though.) I am just SO relieved that s/he is healthy! 100%! Our u/s tech was SO nice too! THAT was a direct answer to prayer, cause I have had such nasty techs before. She even gave us 5 pictures of our baby! These are the facts she gave us - Estimated due date: June 29th. Heartrate: 148. Weight: 9 oz. I am SO excited right now!!



So, nice guessing to everyone on the What IS That? game. All but one were correctly guessed. And I have to admit, it was a hard one. :P Here are the whole pictures of the slices you were given...

The milk bubbled baby bottle


THIS is an APPLE PEELER! Best invention ever in my books!


Yes, this is a queen chess piece, but props to you addicts who guessed Twilight book #4 - Breaking Dawn


Tealights in a long holder


Ahhh, My Precious. As JP stated, this is my guit stick, my first baby, my Yamaha APX-4A guitar!


Well done you smarty pants'. Do your brain cells feel a little more stretched now? Good, then they'll be ready for the next game of "Guess that Japanese Prime Minister." Ha. Just kidding...or maaaaybe not! ;)


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What IS that? WW

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to ALL of you chocolate delights that took part in the last photo caption contest! Either in placing an entry, or emailing a vote! My mouth is STILL on the ground and my cheeks are still rosy from the onslaught of mail I received stating your votes and flattering the heck outta me! Would you believe in this contest, there was a record 314 votes sent to my box!! HELLO!! But before I announce the name of the sooper dooper weener, in honor of it being Wednesday once again, I have devised a little game to get those dusty braincells back in use...put on your thinking, I am not a primary teacher.
What IS That?














(No, no. not Vegas...)




The weener (with a whopping 198 votes!) of the Photo Caption contest!!


"Mom always told us not to swallow the watermelon seeds or we would grow a watermelon in our belly!"


I happen to know that Amanda has a cute lil munchkin who will appreciate this prize... her choice of one of the following tees from one of my very favorite online shopping sites for fun






Amanda! Shoot me an email to with your mailing addy, which tee you want and baby E's size preference!! Congrats again!!


(Don't forget to use the comment section below for your What IS That guesses!!)


Monday, January 26, 2009

T-Minus 1 hour

WHEW! One hour left on this fine, but insanely busy Monday...just enough time for one MOTHER LOAD of a confession! This hit the jackpot two days ago...I give you...

While on a shopping adventure (disclaimer: all trips to anywhere are called an adventure when you bring along ANYONE 4 feet or under..yes, this includes dwarfs Garnet, and their hats.), with Queen S and Baby L, it was brought to my attention that a bathroom was needed. bathroom+my kids= never good. We find the handicap large washroom and Queen S does her business like a pro. That's when I notice Baby L is soggy and could use a refreshing as well. Of course, there are no change tables within a 50 mile radius, which forces us multi-tasking Momma's to get creative. At this point I will tell you that I did not decide to strip down and sit my snow white tooshie on that dirty store potty (cause you know I had to go too), and then just stretch out my legs as a make shift change table and lay all 26 pounds of baby pudginess on them. As the sounds of "mommy-tinkle" fill the room, I did not open that diaper on my legs to find a wee little bum hole suddenly and violently spewing liquid gold right in my general direction. I did not scream out a slight expletive right in front of Queen S who's eyeballs were as big as dinner plates, and who's fingers were appropriately pinching her nose. I subsequently did not look in my diaper bag to find I had indeed left the wipes at home. After a huge sigh, (and maybe another expletive in my head), I did not opt to strip Baby naked (keeping in mind I am also still half naked), and waddle to the sink, soak his Old Navy tee and wipe him head to toe clean..well, wet anyways. As now, I am completely focused on my naked baby, and finding a diaper for him, I neglected to notice Queen S's increasing restlessness. And yes, it gets better..seriously, you can't even make this stuff up. Just as I squat down, pants still around my ankles, to lean over the bag in desperate pursuit of anything resembling a diaper, I did not hear the sound that freezes my entire body and sends all the blood rushing to my face. The lock on that bathroom door did not just click from the red 'occupied' to the green 'vacancy'...thank you Queen S. And with that, a very unsuspecting Mexican woman got blinded by the whitest backside in the entirety of our great nation. And it wasn't baby L's. At the end of the day, I figured that I had gone though enough to grant me the allowance of a new outfit for baby L (well, I really had no choice with that one), but I also deemed it very necessary, if only for my prides' sake, to buy myself a new top as well...but let me assure you was not from that store...or even that mall...oh no, you can BET we bolted like desert storm lightning out of that place. So if anyone asks why I just didn't go to the mall to get this shirt for 10 dollars cheaper, I'll just smile and say, I prefer to shop boutiques, guess I'm just a high roller.


Friday, January 23, 2009


It's come up now and again, throughout my short, but bizarre life. I think grade 5 is my earliest memory of being knowledgeable of it's existence. If I were to place it in the little status box on Facebook, it would read like this:
Becky is the third coolest girl.
Yep, third. Bronze. If second place was the first loser...I was the second loser. The white ribbon at the track & field event.

You see, there was always the Gold...the Alpha Girl of sorts, who had the best backcombed bangs and the name brand acid washed know, the style with brown crushed leather strips down the sides. Kyla. That was her, in grade 5. She walked with her nose, and full grown chest pointed to the sky, and all the boys, especially Dwayne Nelson, noticed.

The Silver was Tanya. She was my best friend. She was also Kyla's best friend. If forced to choose between us, I had no doubts I'd be sitting at Corrina Andersayks lunch table, the Principal's daughter, who loved her trombone more than life itself. Back to the silver...she was Batman's Robin, Bert's Ernie, Archie's Jughead. The dictionary definition of sidekick is, "a close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities". Their activities. That's a sidekick's downfall; she has no life of her own. But I suppose it's a small price to pay to be involved in the Great Double Slouch Sock Slumber Party of '89, or the Giant Saved by the Bell Room Deco Makeover of '91...sigh, Zack Morris...

This brings us to the third coolest girl. Being the bronze is like being the crippled little shelter puppy. She is honestly great friends with Silver, and Silver invites her to the many happenings of Gold, but tell me this...have you ever seen Robin's sidekick? Case in point. Robin probably brought his the Batcave once. Batman looked down his perfectly pointed masked nose, and inquired, "What is SHE doing here? Don't you know our Batalicious secrets may have all been compromised now?" (Meanwhile, in the background, Bronze, fully aware that her batcave experience would be short lived, is frantically scribbling down the 7 digits of the red batphone listed on the emergency contact sheet magneted to the...uh...batfridge...for future blackmailing purposes.)

It's true. I really thought there was a proverbial podium which held on it the essence of coolness, and somehow I had enough humility to believe I was the least of the top 3, yet enough pride to think I was actually ON the pedestal in the first place!

Fast forward 20 years. It's Christmas. I return to the town of my youth. What oh what shall the third coolest girl do while on vacay in a land drenched in memoirs? Go out on the town with old friends reminiscing of ripped shower curtains, and poo in Mr.Gunn's top drawer? Dress up and dance the night away at every and all seasonal bash's within city limits? Walk down main streets in heels much too high for the winter conditions, laughing too loud, to attract attention from all passerbyers?


That's not for me. That's never been for me. In fact, only now am I realizing, if that's what the third coolest girl does, well, then I am not her, nor was I ever her. I am realizing it's all in your perceptions. I should say peer-ceptions. It's how you see your friends, it's how you see yourself. You ARE the coolest one, you ARE the gold...if YOU believe you are. Huh. And you know what? I AM Gold! You know why? Cause Gold, in my world, likes to stay in on Friday nights and play card games. Gold likes to watch the bowling channel with her brother and make fake commentaries on all the "action", laughing so hard we nearly pee our flannel p.j pants. Gold is proud of the fact that her best friend in the her mom. Gold knows that stilettos look more fashionable with these new jeans, but opts for the white "mom" runners, cause they are SO much more comfy. Gold is real. And why I am GOLD.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Window Wednesday

I LIKE that. I had a few email suggestions from some of you lovelies about how to rename my Wednesday posts, since they seem to not be truly wordless. I like "Window Wednesday" b/c, a photo is definitely a 'window' into a moment, and it also has no implications of being speech free. Hehe. And since I am a woman, we all know that means I'm good at one thing for sure...opinions! (Also, it means I can keep it nicknamed WW.) So...without further are a few of the photo shoot results in your first









And AFTER carrying and birthing those 3 beauties, I just had to know...and IT FITS!!



OOOOooo!! I was concerned that at the time of press, the Filipino Photo Caption Intelligence Board had not got back to me yet...but wohlah!! I hold here in my hand one (1) manila envelope, handed to me personally by this man...


...and in it reads the top three (3) choices for last Wednesday's caption contest!! In no particular order, the contenders are:

a) "The game was charades, the word was MOM...or maybe INSANITY!" ~from Kelly in Austrailia

b) "B:Do ya think mommy and daddy G will get the hint that we want another baby sister?
S: I think so. Put your back into it B!
B: Ya know, just to make sure, we should get rid of mommy's baby-proofing vitamins. Those ones in the little package that she takes once a day?
S: Sweet! Mommy'll be sportin' a bump on lock in no time!" ~from Krystal in Canada

c) "Mom always told us not to swallow the watermelon seeds or we would grow a watermelon in our belly!" ~from Amanda in the USA


ALRIGHTY chocolates!! It's now up to you!!!

NEW RULES are: email me your favorite caption (a,b,or c) to

Only use the comment section below for WW...NOT for this contest!! Okee dokee... the weener as chosen by YOU will be announced next week, along with the prize she has won!! Thanks for playing!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NM...uh Tuesday


I did not ditch my computer yesterday in favor for a TWO HOUR NAP when I suddenly realized all 3 of my lil monkeys had fallen asleep in the afternoon at precisely the same time. It's like a meteor shower..doesn't happen every day, so when it does, you have to do what's necessary to enjoy the historical moment!! (Thus a NMM Tuesday love for you, my chocolates, is still unwavering, have no fear. )


I was not feeling extremely proud of my Montessorri-esque 3 year old when I walked into the bathroom to see 4 of my make-up pads all lined up nicely on the towel rack. My glow did not disappear when I reached to grab one and realized they were white GLUED to the towel rack.


I was not on the phone, bragging to my friend about how well baby L ate his jar of peas/carrots, when he subsequently puked what I would only guess is the entire contents of said jar all over...well...everything. AND because I was wearing my new black shirt, the one I wanted to wear to a birthday party that day, I did not just smear & wipe off the clumps of pea puke balls, and then febreze the whole darn thing, followed by several perfume squirts to mask the smell...and wear it anyways. I would never do that.Photobucket

I did not do a 150 picture photo shoot with my babies, only to discover that the memory card was not exactly IN the camera. More sleep. I swear that solves everything, including world peace. At least I got to redo my shoot today WITH the card in place, this being one of my favorite results.


I did not think I had finally lost the last of my marbles when I looked in the cutlery drawer and the dishwasher to find a plastic spoon, and not ONE was to be seen. Did they all finally just decide they had HAD IT at my house and run away with the dish and the cow who jumped over the moon? Good thing I have a super smart daughter who knows how to make spoon traps! Those escapees couldn't get far with Queen S on the case!



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

WW and a sooper dooper contest

(I really need to change "Wordless Wednesday" to "Minimal Word Wednesday". Hmm. Just doesn't quite have the same ring. I'll have to do some research for suggestions. )

Over-stimulation much?


The succession of two girls who have possibly already chosen career paths. Can you tell which one has chosen "Diva"?




Apparently, someone in our house seems to think Hannah Montana would make a good shrink to Sleeping beauty. A child psychologist would have a hay day with this, I'm sure.


And finally, it's time again for "NAME THAT PHOTO" !!
It will work the same way as last time, where after one (1) week, I will post the top three (3) picks as chosen by my outsourced Philippino (Filipino) photo caption intelligence board. Then it's all up to you to vote for your favorite one (1). The weener will be gifted with a special prize selected my none other that the producer of this blog, that would be me.

Ok, so here's the pic...CAPTION AWAY my fine chocoalte coated friends...
